
Roots and Wings

The Human Journey from a Speck of Stardust to a Spark of God

Margaret Silf

978 0 232 52627 1
Paperback |176 pp |216 x 135 mm
Price: £10.95

978 0 232 52829 9
eBook |160 pp

There is a story growing inside you – a story as big as the universe, and as mind-blowing and as beautiful. And you are growing inside that story. Your personal story is an essential strand of the Big Story. Life’s story begins, we are told, from elements released into space in the death of a star.

But what of our destiny? Does that speck of stardust also hold within it a 'spark of God'? Is life evolving towards levels of consciousness that we cannot begin, as yet, even to imagine?

This is a book full of questions. It invites you to participate in the 'great conversation' about our origins and our destiny and what it might mean to become fully and truly human, and to discover your own response to that challenge. Here science and spirituality meet, and a bold new synthesis emerges between them.

ISBNs: 9780232526271 978-0-232-52627-1 Title: roots and wings ISBNs: 9780232528299 978-0-232-52829-9 Title: roots and wings